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From Bedridden to Ultra Distance Bike Rider in Just 9 Weeks

N first contacted Margie when she began getting symptoms similar to Rheumatoid Arthritis.

She was running her own business, living in County Durham, and suddenly found her energy evaporating and an increasingly excruciating pain in her joints.

This lady is in her early 40s, known for being an endurance adventurer and had completed exceptional challenges, every year for over a decade.

She is compelling speaker on leadership with immense personal resilience and drive.

Something not going to plan wouldn’t phase her – she’d use her laser focus and find a solution. 

But this pain stopped her in her tracks.

Her health had deteriorated rapidly to the point that in just four months she was unable to get out of bed.  Usually, she’d have pushed on, pushed through.  Not this time. 

N’s symptoms had started with a dull ache in one hand, rising to a constant pain.

And the pain dial had been creeping up over the last four months.

She could no longer open a jar or a bottle.

And the pain began spread to her knees and feet.

Her feet became so painful that it was too big a challenge to stand, let alone walk.

What was happening?  Whatever it was, the deterioration was rapid.

Blood results and x-rays organised by the doctor came back negative, and they suspected Rheumatoid Arthritis.

What a bombshell!  The panic accompanying the pain was awful, she was on the brink of losing her life as it had been, one full of energy and excitement. 

N began contemplating long term care, how she’d likely be in a wheelchair within 10 years.  The fear gripped her. From being inquisitive, curious; interested in everything she suddenly turned in on herself, and lost interest in the outside.  What was she going to do?

Well, there was still a flicker of her resilience left.  She called Margie and booked a set of Kinesiology sessions.

As she progressed through the sessions, N began to improve. 

She had a number of different parasites, which had been with her for decades. Specific remedies used by Margie helped get them under control.

There were, as there always are, some emotional imbalances needing correcting; quickly identified with kinesiology and addressed through the subconscious.

A longstanding (30+ years) mould infection was adding to the confusion of symptoms and more remedies helped address this.

And structural damage from accidents over the years meant that her body wasn't working as well as it should. Some structural corrections helped here.

The results were:

  • Her energy increased

  • Her pzazz returned

  • Her aches decreased

So much so, that after just three sessions spanning 9 weeks she was back on her bike for a 200m ride on a wet and windy weekend.


Take the First Step Toward getting Your Energy Back

Are you ready to transform your health and reclaim your vitality? Discover how working with Margie can help address your unique health issues and bring lasting relief.

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